Writing for the Sake of Sanity and Self-Expression.



june 28th
the phone rings. it’s friday.
twelve o’clock, the clock read. jay was going home.
You had gone already because it was over 600 about two hours ago.
it was Your mother on the other end.
she said You were in the emergency room at st. joseph’s.

the laughter stopped and our smiles disappeared.

we rushed.
we got in mr. carvin’s mercedes, jay’s mom in the passenger side, and
we slammed the door and put on our seat belts and we gave the gas pedal hell.
red-green-red-green, the lights flashed
and we got on the onramp to the 91 and we hit the 55 and then the 22
and we saw the orange cones blocking the exit.
the trip was no less than excruciating and gut-wrenching. i was getting dizzy.
i was racking sobs inside of me while outside i remained
“main st. exit closed,” the sign said.
we madly dashed one past, turned right and right again
a sudden left and out the car.
the automatic doors opened wide,
greeting us as if the bright “emergency” sign was not enough.

we asked the nurse Your name and she said that visitors are limited
one at a time,
room thirty, past the door.
which door, which door – the one with the keypad – the one that
magically sprung open as i walked forward.
i stepped first, walked briskly past the threshold,
saw your stepfather-to-be and said there You are
expecting to see the worst.

i held my breath as i went past the curtain.

You were motionless and shallowly breathing
an intravenous drip down your arm
“we’re going to check your blood now” the other nurse said
while the other recounted her experiences with other patients
who needed amputations and couldn’t feel their toes and went blind.
Your forearm hurt because the nurse stabbed it with the needle.
You had a paper towel on Your head and Your eyes were bloodshot.
finally Your eyes opened and said
i was holding back tears every time i spoke with your mother.
it was a marvelous sight, the room.
it became traumatizing with You on the gurney
trying Your hardest to stay smiling
staying strong
aided by the proverbial twinkle of hope in Your eye.
You are truly amazing.

i held Your hand for a while.
You looked at me and didn’t need to say a word.
i clung on to it like i’d never let go; and this time
i prayed that i would give You something like strength
and hoped that a simple kiss on the hand would make it all better
like when You were little.
one o’ clock.
eerily silent, the room.

time passes. last count, 440. they’re doing final preparations
before we leave.
You can go home now.
no more tension.
knowing that if by waiting just a month more
the world would be a sadder place
i am happy that i know
and that You know.
two o’clock.
the emergency wing is quiet.

the ride home was beautifully uneventful.
i still didn’t let go.
people say that you need to get
to fully appreciate something you love.
i was scared
and i love You.
i closed my eyes and thought deeply.
think, think, think, about what, about things i don’t know
about happy things, about imminence
about how God works in mysterious ways
(even though i’m an atheist)
and about how You look so different without your glasses.

how fragile we all are, i realized.
paralyzed by fear
gripped by things unforeseen and invisible
unanticipated, unwanted –
fear changes things.

i got home and slept for two hours
(i couldn’t sleep because i was too worried)
and woke up at four in the morning, crying.
fear slapped me in the face
and made me doubt
and let my mind delve into thoughts more horrible and perverse.
august seemed so far away, didn’t it?
imagine – no, i don’t want to.
i admire You so much.

fear sleeps in my heart.

i fear for You much more than i fear for myself.



anger in the heat of passion
blind madness like infatuation
obsessing to injure
loving to hate

i did it
i told you i did
and still you couldn’t find it in you to hate me
i am a bad person

i’m in complete denial
you have every right to hate me
but when you need to let that anger out
i am your punching bag



some people often walk the fine line
between knowledge
and wisdom
pledging for one
but meaning the other.

to be wise you need to know
to know is not necessarily to be wise
because you may know the difference
between pure science and applied science
but not know how to apply.

knowledge is accessible to all
and wisdom is more elusive.

knowing the difference
makes us wise.



oh so helpless
unable to do anything about any situation
unwilling to move
willing to give in to anything

very painful
knowing full well the gravity of the event-at-hand
acutely sharp
plague my dreams with the sight

it was heartbreaking
seeing you so helpless
i was feeling helpless myself
and neither of us could do a thing
except wait

wait and wait i did
until the doctor gave the ok at 2 am
and you finally came alive
i couldn’t help crying
and feeling helpless



sometimes i wonder whether or not pride is a good thing.
it makes people unnecessarily humble
and then it makes their head swell
and then modesty doesn’t appear for a while.

often though pride smiles
and lets people shine in their own right.

we need pride because without it
we would be all too modest
all too honest
all too brutal and unable to face reality.

pride lets us be ourselves
without losing our pictures of ourselves
as we think we should be.

it keeps us normal
to a fault, of course
because pride lets us be.



it’s funny
how in the grand scheme of things
that in the end we’re all going to hell anyway
with the murderers
and the adulterers
and the liars
and the lawyers...

why a lie and murder can both send you straight to hell
it boggles the mind.

nothing in life is fair unless we make it fair.
all the sport and competition
even fair trials
have a bias. it’s never neutral.

justice makes me laugh because
she says to me
i contradict myself
and therefore don’t exist



gritting my teeth i stared in your eyes
i said to myself i would never lie to you
nor to myself, for that matter
but it felt so right and it felt so good
so i did.

i was being true to nobody.

nobody knew who i really was.
nobody seemed to care enough
until you started to.
i wanted to be the me i wanted me to be
but i couldn’t.

i cheated myself out of integrity.

now i’m regretting everything,
having not stayed true to myself in the circumstances.
i wonder if you would have done the same
but i think you wouldn’t have
because i did.

i cannot live without my integrity.

convictions are set in concrete with integrity as the binder.
staying true to myself is like breathing now.



you need to be deserving of respect
for otherwise you will receive of none
if anytime you start to act suspect
consider only being all alone
precisely why you must know when to quit
or when to say let’s push on forward, then
respect is more than one can really fit fit
especially in company of men
most others will respect you if you show
the same exact respectfulness to them
they trust in you and only let them know
you know your bounds and when your tide must stem
respect is earned and gained, not given free
respect is learned and shown for all to see



benjamin franklin once said
he who is willing to give up liberty
in order for a measure of security
deserves neither liberty nor security.

why do we take freedom for granted so much?

freedom rings clear in all our voices
the ability to pursue anything we desire
the power to be oneself at any given time
is this not enough?

the bells toll for those who fell free.

do we liberate others when we say we do
or are we being hypocrites again?
do we infringe upon race or religion
or gender or beliefs we hold true to ourselves and ourselves alone?

freedom does not know any boundaries.



truth hurts.
it is never beautiful and is always ugly.
truth liberates the mind from the heart
the heart from the soul
the soul from the body
the body from the mind
and everything in between.

truth accepts.
it is never judgmental and is always biased.
truth gives peace to the belligerent
war to the hateful
hate to the mindful
thought to the careful
care to the peaceful.

truth lies.
it is never fully true and is always incomplete.
truth destroys the walls of society
if let loose
if grown rampant
if harbored wrongly
if abused.

truth is all too powerful.



in the name of the father
and of the son
and of the holy mother and child
amen, hallelujah, praise to up above.

to you i am thankful for the life you have given me
and to the patience you so exhibit
and for the chances you have bestowed on all your children
even though we never deserve it.

despite the genocides and the spite
and the mass destruction you seem to enjoy
you kept my best friend alive.
i could never ask for anything more.

i might not believe in you sometimes
and in all my prayers i may be the most selfish
but i acknowledge your power over people.
i don’t believe but i have a good idea.

thank you for my best friend.



i am strong because i can carry heavy things, sometimes heavier than myself.

i am strong because i believe in my own convictions.

i am strong because i know the difference between right from wrong.

i am strong because i know when to say no.

i am strong because i have held you up before.

i am strong because i know my way around this town like the back of my hand.

i am strong because i live in the moment.

i am strong because i survive in spite of a heart problem.

i am strong because i have friends.

i am strong because i love you.

i am strong because you love me.

i am strong because i have you.



i’ve tried to tell you so many times
but every time i do the words escape me
because when i look at you
you tend to take my breath


and leave me gasping for air as i cry out your name
and then you turn around
and do the same thing all over again.

you are adorable.

call it a strange obsession if you will
i’ve kept silent for a long time now
but it kills me, holding back all this
this love

you speak like a bird
you laugh like the gentle falling of the rain
you make me the happiest person in the entire world.

i thought i saw it coming
until it hit me way too late
but then i realized i love you nonetheless
because you love me.



knowing that tomorrow will be the very same
hoping that tonight you will have uttered my name
searching for the comfort in the darkness that surrounds
i held your hand, you led me, i was lost but now am found

you think too little of yourself because you’re modest
i think it’s a gift, modesty: never the oddest
thing to cross my mind, least of all your loyalty
trustworthiness, capacity to love, and seeming fragility

smile for me just one last time before i leave this place
enlighten me with everything in that one last embrace
erase the sadness, tears, and loss of hope upon your face
our friendship holds forevermore: it is our saving grace



j'irai partout pour toi
parce que je t'aime
parce que je t'adore.

tant que je te veux
tu as mon coeur
tu as mon âme
pour le moins tu as tout que je suis.

je ferais n'importe quoi
être juste près de toi encore
parce que je t'aime trop pour ne pas s'inquiéter.

je m'ennuie de toi
des profondeurs mêmes de mon être
et du fond de mon coeur
de façon ou d'autre tu fais la douleur disparaître.

soin de prise de vous-même
et rappeles-toi
que si tu as besoin jamais de moi
j'ai raison là
parole juste ainsi.

je voudrais voir toi bientôt
et nous volonté
assez bientôt
assez bientôt.