Writing for the Sake of Sanity and Self-Expression.


Part 11: Epilogue.

The service for Nate's funeral was simple, just as he had asked for: everyone in white, just his close friends and family. It was a somber yet hopeful atmosphere inside the Chapel of St. Mark's, a few minutes away from Nate's parents' house.

Joseph was late, like always, and gave the eulogy.


Two years later, they all found themselves again at St. Mark's, this time celebrating Leah and Mike's wedding.

Gabriel was invited, but didn't come. He instead sent the couple a video message from his apartment building in New York City, apologizing that even it has been two years, he still wouldn't be able to look Evelyn in the eye at the wedding. They understood.

Their honeymoon was a week in Italy, full of sightseeing (whenever they left their hotel room) and magical moments they never would forget.

They named their first set of twins David and Nathaniel.


Evelyn, after coming back home from the hospital that day, decided to move to California and start a new life. After the divorce papers went through, she immediately found herself excited but scared in San Francisco, finding a job across the bay at the University of California.

She and Gabriel never spoke again.


David came out of the hospital fine; it was actually quite a miracle that he had no major fractures or internal bruises.

He heard from the nurses how Joseph would profess his idyllic love to him while he was comatose, and this didn't surprise him. Joseph would always hint at his attraction towards David, and David would always smile it off.

So David did what one would naturally do: he became Joseph's roommate.


Right before he died, Nate wrote only three words on a piece of paper that he had clutched until his death.

It said, "Open your eyes."


Part 10. Opening.

"Hey David," Nate's message began, "I just wanted to call and see how you were going.

"What I did was really idiotic. I was stupid; I shouldn't have put your life on the line like that. And I should have known better that to do something so inane.

"I don't know... I guess I'm telling you this because I'm sorry. I'm really sorry that I put you through that, and I'm even more sorry that I put the rest of the guys through that. If they're listening, I'm sorry to all of you.

"And now I tell you that I won't ever do it again. And you can be sure of that.

"I don't think I can ever handle going to prison or just being by myself. I know we always say we're always there for one another, but goddammit, I can't do this. I--

"I can't do this.

"I can't live like this, knowing I'll be in suffering every fucking minute.

"I can't live like this, David," said Nate, through sobs.

"I can't live."

A long pause. Nate was sniffling and audibly wracking in sobs on the other end.

"I'm so sorry, David."


Gabriel left the hospital without incident, simply telling Joseph that he would be in contact should anything else occur.

Mike and Leah stood outside the room as Evelyn spoke with David.

"You think Gabe's okay?" asked Mike.

"I think so. He's a fighter. A chickenshit, but a fighter," replied Leah.

"I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too."


Inside his room, David was sitting up, ready for his next visitor.

"You know, that Gabriel's a real asshole," Evelyn began. "Can you imagine, the nerve of the guy?"

David smiled, incredulous. "Are you serious?" he asked, eyeing Evelyn. "You're going to talk to me about that shit?"

"Why, you got a problem with it?"

"You of all people, Ev, should be worrying about nerves. Nate's out there somewhere shitting his pants because of this. And you can't bring yourself to forgive Gabriel after toying with him for ten years?"

"Shut up, David."

"Hey, I'm the coherent one here, and I was in a fucking coma!"

"Shut up, David!"

"Next thing you know, it's gonna be too late when you want him back in your life. And you're going to regret it."

And little did Evelyn know that it already was, because Gabriel had gone home, packed his things, and left a note on the bed, marked "For Evelyn."


Evelyn left the hospital, leaving Mike and Leah to finally visit David.

"Hey! How you feeling?" asked Mike.

"Yeah, I haven't been asked that enough," said David.

"I see you're okay, since your sarcasm's back," said Leah.

"How about you guys?" asked David.

"We're good," said Mike, pulling Leah close for a kiss. "We're good."

"We're great," said Leah, kissing Mike.

"Oh god, cut the crapfest," joked David, "I'm gonna puke."

The sound of laughter through his open door was a relieving sound to the nursing staff on the third floor.


Joseph was elated to see David alive.

He had been there when he woke up, and he had smiled. How fortunate!

He called Nate, but there was no response on the other line. He went over to see if anything was wrong.

He arrived to a chaotic, frenzied scene of police tape, spectators, and the local camera crew, filming right outside the complex around Nate's apartment building.

"What's going on?" he asked, joining the crowd.

"Some guy killed himself," replied a lady. "Overdose, they say."

Joseph's eyes filled with fear and shock. The news was too bad to be true on a day too good to be true.

Joseph closed his eyes, and listened to the wind.

"Open your eyes," it said, "Open your eyes, Joseph."

And he opened his eyes and saw Nate's body being wheeled to the coroner's van.