Writing for the Sake of Sanity and Self-Expression.


if poets couldn't

if poets couldn't write,
singers wouldn't sing,
music would fall deaf
to blind ears and deaf eyes.

if poets couldn't write,
hearers wouldn't listen,
kisses wouldn't be as sweet
as they are on loving lips.

if poets couldn't write,
dreamers wouldn't dream,
feeling grass between my toes
would never feel as good as now.

if poets couldn't write,
thinkers wouldn't think,
the sun on your face wouldn't be
as warm and friendly.

if poets couldn't write,
children wouldn't grow up,
the cold realization of life
wouldn't stare them in the eye.

if poets couldn't write,
lovers wouldn't love,
loneliness would permeate
every essence of their being.

if poets couldn't write,
the world would be so
s i l e n t
and so deafening.

but i'm glad that poets write.
they tend to set most things right.


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